
Registration Fee

Registration Type Online Registration
(Until Sep 20)
Onsite Registration
(Cash only)
General Attendee Conference Only 10,000 yen 13,000 yen
Including Social Gathering Fee 20,000 yen 26,000 yen
Student Conference Only 0 yen 3,000 yen
Including Social Gathering Fee 3,000 yen 6,000 yen
Sponsore Invitee Social Gathering Fee 10,000 yen 13,000 yen

The Online Registration and credit card payment system will close on Sep 20th. After that, only Onsite Registration at the venue will be available (cash only). Please note that onsite registration will cost an additional 3,000 yen for each registration type.

The registration fees include:

  • Program Book
  • Access to all sessions
  • Coffee service at the break

Social Gathering

The welcome party to be held from 18:00 on Oct 12.

Method of Payment

  1. Online Registration: Payments must be made by credit card. No other method of payment is accepted. Please note that you will be redirected to credit card payment system when you make your payment. You will be able to download your receipt.
  2. Onsite Registration: Payments must be made by cash.