Call for Posters

Instructions for Abstract Submission for Poster Presentation

Deadline for Abstract Submission:
September 10th 17th, 2024
Decision Notification:
September 20th, 2024

Please complete your registration before starting the abstract submission process. Once your account is created, login and click to download the abstract template and carefully prepare your abstract so that it adheres to the specified format.


  1. Abstracts must be written in English. Abstracts written in other languages will not be accepted.
  2. Use of commercial names of bacteria and products is not allowed.
  3. Upload your abstract as a Word file (Please do not convert it to a PDF).
  4. Only one poster presentation per presenter is permitted. However, presenters are allowed to be co-authors on other submissions.
  5. All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by committee members, and a decision will be emailed by September 20th. Due to the space constraint at the venue, we are only able to accept a limited number of presentations (approximately 25). Thank you for your understanding on this matter.
  6. Awards for the best presentations will be announced during the closing ceremony on Oct. 13th. Students and postdocs are eligible for the awards.